Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hello Blog

Wonderful! I have now entered the 21st Century. The "blog" is something a number of us joked about at the Vermont Studio Center in June of 2004; something about the whinning rants of the various blog publishers on-line. To what truth that exists is beyond me. With full awareness that words like blog, vlog, wiki, facebook'd, IM'd and such are entering our lexicon at tremendous rates, I thought it best to venture forth and try this thing out. After all, I just wiki'd for the first time last week.

I believe the responsibility of this blog will be to post worth-while criticism of DC metro area "art" happenings, contemporary media, and the like. The second, responsibility may possess some relationship to my daily existence, though mundane. Certainly I will not allow it to be an opportunity to point out this "slick new CD I acquired at Best Buy today," or to state how much it "jams!" Time is too valuable and I am not that important or narcisitic... I think.